Rampage Skills

Boost Equipped Coating

Coating element +10


Wheel Axe I As bright as a Bishaten's pelt, this switch axe is wheel-y powerful.
Wheel Axe II As bright as a Bishaten's pelt, this switch axe is wheel-y powerful.
Axe of Wisdom This axe frees you of your worries, by helping you take your fury out on your foes.
General's Strongaxe I An axe given to hunters who do great deeds. The golden emblem is a badge of honor.
General's Strongaxe II An axe given to hunters who do great deeds. The golden emblem is a badge of honor.
Conqueress The Conqueress is proof of a veteran warrior who has fought in many battles.
Hidden Axe I An ebon switch axe, dark as night. So fast, its swings are nearly invisible.
Hidden Axe II An ebon switch axe, dark as night. So fast, its swings are nearly invisible.
Night's Crescent The enhanced Hidden Axe. It prophesies death as it illuminates the night sky.