Rampage Skills

Ice Boost III

Ice element attack power +8


Abominable Great Sword This Gossblade has been polished until it gives off a cold and chilling light.
Chef's Knife This Goss blade is on a new level. Now cuts through monsters in a single swing!
Gelid Soul The Gelid Mind's upgrade, taking myriad sacrifices to rekindle its power.
Abominable Hammer An enhanced Yeti Hammer. Be like Goss Harag— don't think, just smash!
Vicello Unu White The white Vicello Nulo's enhanced form. Send chills up a spine, then break it.
Magia Charmbell Due to popular demand, the Magia Charm has transformed into its enhanced form!
Abominable Lance Strike fear into your foes' hearts! Or just strike them with the Abominable Lance.
Lagomberatrix The Lagomberator's upgraded form is made to freeze prey before it can even blink.
Stunning Axe A freaky-looking Goss Harag charge blade. So stunning, it's almost demonic!
Abominable Glaive An enhanced Gossglaive. Even glaciers have fallen to its thunderous blows.
Rielle Unu White Enhanced Rielle Nulo White. Its Kinsects resemble snowflakes as they dance around foes.