
Antique Machina HB

A heavy bowgun of emerald and gold furnished with a mechanism utilizing afflicted energy.

Rampage Slots
Deviation LR Severe
Recoil Very Low
Reload Average
Nrm 7 7 5
Prc 5 5 5
Spr 5 5 5
Shr 5 5 5
Sti 3 2 2
Clu 3 2 2
Fir/P. 0 0
Wat/P. 0 0
Thn/P. 0 0
Ice/P. 0 0
Dra/P. 0 0
Poi 0 0
Par 0 0
Sle 0 0
Exh 0 0
Rec 0 0
Dem 0
Amr 0
Sli 0
Wyv 2
Tra 2

Upgrade Materials
